JamPlus manual


JamPlus ships with several useful scripts for the generation of Jamfiles from various sources and other tasks. Those scripts can be found in the bin/scripts/ directory, but they are run by executing the Jam executable with certain command-line options.


From the specified directory, FoldersToJamfile recurses the directory structure and creates a Jamfile with all found files. A source group is generated automatically for every directory.

FoldersToJamfile accepts two arguments, the start path and the destination Jamfile. It is run like so:

jam --folderstojamfile c:/path/to/start/at Jamfile.jam

The generated Jamfile will need some basic clean up, and until the clean up has occurred, it will not run.


In the current directory, jam –generate writes a simple Jamfile.jam (if it does not already exist) with build instructions for the C/C++ source files residing in the directory.

It is run like so:

jam --generate

The generated Jamfile may need some clean up.


VCProjToJamfile is capable of reading a .vcproj file from Visual Studio 2003, 2005, or 2008, and writing a Jamfile bearing the folder structure and file contents of the .vcproj.

VCProjToJamfile accepts two arguments, the source vcproj and destination Jamfile.

jam --vcprojtojamfile Misc.vcproj Misc.jam


VCXProjToJamfile is capable of reading a .vcxproj file from Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 and writing a Jamfile bearing the folder structure and file contents of the .vcxproj.

VCXProjToJamfile accepts two arguments, the source vcproj and destination Jamfile.

jam --vcxprojtojamfile Misc.vcproj Misc.jam