JamPlus manual
jam [ -a ] [ -g ] [ -n ] [ -q ] [ -T ] [ -v ]
    [ -b ]
    [ -C workdir ]
    [ -d debug ]
    [ -f jambase ]
    [ -j jobs ]
    [ -o actionsfile ]
    [ -s var=value ]
    [ -S ]
    [ var=value ]
    [ -t target ]
    [ target ... ]

If target is provided on the command line, jam builds target; otherwise jam builds the target 'all'.

Jam may be invoked with the following options:


Build all targets anyway, even if they are up-to-date.


Enables the Tilde Lua debugger and waits for a connection.

-C workdir

Set the Jam current working directory to workdir.

-d c

Turn on display option c and off the default display (summary info and actions):

Show summary info, actions, quiet actions, and the use of temporary targets
Show the names of files that cause rebuilds, i.e. new sources, missing targets, etc.
Display a dependency graph (in jam syntax).
Display fate changes.
Display a detailed hierarchical dependency graph.
Display the dependency analysis, and target/source timestamps and paths
Show shell arguments

-d n

Enable cumulative debugging levels from 1 to n. Interesting values are:

Show actions and summary info (the default)
Show text of actions
Show progress of make. Show files when bound
Show execcmd()'s work
Show rule invocations and variable expansions
Show directory/header file/archive scans
Show variable settings
Show variable fetches and expansions. Show 'if' calculations.
Show variable manipulation, scanner tokens. Show memory use.

-d +n

Enable debugging level n.

-d 0

Turn off all debugging levels. Only errors are emitted.

-f jambase

Read jambase instead of using the built-in Jambase. Multiple -f flags are permitted.


Build targets with the newest sources first, rather than in the order of appearance in the Jambase/Jamfiles.

-j n

Run up to n shell commands concurrently. The default is the maximum number of available processors on the machine. On Windows, the number of processors is determined from the environment variable NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS. On Mac OS X, the number of processors is obtained from the API MPProcessors.


Don't actually execute the updating actions, but do everything else. This changes the debug level to -dax.

-o file

Write the updating actions to the specified file instead of running them (or outputting them, as on the Mac).


Quit quickly (as if an interrupt was received) as soon as any target build fails.

-s var=value

Set the variable var to value, overriding both internal variables and variables imported from the environment.


When specified, any rules called that have not been defined are skipped without warning. jam –workspace makes extensive use of it. This command line option will mask problems with your Jamfiles, so it is recommended you don't use it.


Set the variable var to value, overriding both internal variables and variables imported from the environment. This is a simpler to use version of -s

-t target

Rebuild target and everything that depends on it, even if it is up-to-date.


Toggle printing of the target's bound name (full path).


Print the version of jam and exit.