JamPlus manual
Android Rules

The Android module contains special build rules to create an Android application from start to finish.

The first step when using the android module is to set the SDK version. Doing so will detect the appropriate NDK and SDK compilers and set up some architecture-specific items.

# This goes in the Jamfile.
android.SDK 19 ;

Next, some combination of the following rule calls (and any others described below) are needed to build a full Android .apk for installation and distribution.

local JAVA_SRCS =
android.SourcePaths : src sdl2/android-project/src ;
android.Application : $(JAVA_SRCS) ;
android.Assets : assets ;
android.UncompressedAssetExtensions : dat ;
android.NativeLibraries : sdl2main sdl2 ;
android.Sign : $(SUBDIR)/my-keystore.keystore keystorepassword keyalias keypassword ;
android.Package ;

An Android build is initiated with a C.TOOLCHAIN of android/CONFIG:

>jam C.TOOLCHAIN=android/release

android.Package creates some additional useful targets:

install:TARGET - Put this on the Jam command-line to install the .apk to the USB-connected Android device. uninstall:TARGET Put this on the Jam command-line to uninstall the .apk.

List of Rules


rule android.Application TARGET : SOURCES

Compiles SOURCES and links them into TARGET.

TARGETThe target to link SOURCES into. The target name is given without extension. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SOURCESThe list of .java to link into the application. Object and compiled Windows resource files may also be passed with this list.
android.Application sdltest :

rule android.Assets TARGET : DIRECTORY

An Android application may contain user assets. The android.Assets rule allows specification of the directory to be recursed and stored within the Android .apk application package.

Call android.Assets before calling android.Package.

TARGETThe target to attach the assets directory to.
DIRECTORYThe base directory to use for the assets. There can only be one directory specified.
# Store all files and directories found by recursing c:/mygame/all_of_the_assets
# within the Android package.
android.Assets : c:/mygame/all_of_the_assets ;

rule android.JarDirectories TARGET : DIRECTORIES

Specify paths to search when locating prebuilt JARs during the android.Library and android.Package rule calls.

TARGETThe target to apply the JAR search DIRECTORIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified. If TARGET is *, the directories are applied to every target needing them.
DIRECTORIESThe list of directories to use when searching for JAR files. If relative directories are specified, they are rooted against the current rule SubDir TOP d1...dn : SUBNAME.
# Search for extra prebuilt JARs within the $(SUBDIR)/libs directory.
android.JarDirectories : libs ;

rule android.Library TARGET : SOURCES : OPTIONS

android.Library takes a list of Java SOURCES and builds a Java library out of them. It takes into account the following:

Dependencies are automatically derived, where possible, by looking at the contents of the .java files.

The resulting file is a .jar file.

TARGETThe target to assign the FLAGS to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SOURCESThe list of .java and .aidl files to build into a .jar.
OPTIONSUnused (except that rule android.Application TARGET : SOURCES just calls android.Library with OPTIONS of application).
android.Library MyGame :

rule android.LinkJars TARGET : LIBRARIES

Makes TARGET depend on Jam-generated .jar LIBRARIES and uses them during linking.

TARGETThe target to link LIBRARIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
LIBRARIESThe list of libraries to apply. These libraries are those generated from the rule android.Library TARGET : SOURCES : OPTIONS rule. They do not include prebuilt libraries. To link prebuilt libraries, use the rule android.PrebuiltJars TARGET : LIBRARIES rule.
android.LinkJars MyGame : MyLibrary ;

rule android.Manifest TARGET : MANIFEST

Assigns MANIFEST to be the "AndroidManifest.xml" file for this TARGET.

This rule is unneeded if MANIFEST is just an AndroidManifest.xml file found within $(SUBDIR).

TARGETThe target to assign the MANIFEST to.
MANIFESTThe target name of the AndroidManifest.xml.
# Use an AndroidManifest.xml within $(SUBDIR).
android.Manifest MyGame : AndroidManifest.xml ;

rule android.NativeLibraries TARGET : NATIVE_LIBRARIES

Makes TARGET depend on Jam-generated NATIVE_LIBRARIES. These are packaged during the rule android.Package TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS [ : OPTIONS ] ] process.

TARGETThe target to package the NATIVE_LIBRARIES into. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
NATIVE_LIBRARIESThe list of libraries to apply. These are shared libraries are those generated from the rule C.Library TARGET : SOURCES [ : OPTIONS ] rule. They do not include prebuilt libraries. To package native prebuilt libraries, use the rule android.NativePrebuiltLibraries TARGET : NATIVE_PREBUILT_LIBRARIES rule.
C.Library MyNativeLibrary : blah.cpp : shared ;
android.NativeLibraries MyGame : MyNativeLibrary ;
android.Package ;

rule android.NativePrebuiltLibraries TARGET : NATIVE_PREBUILT_LIBRARIES

Makes TARGET depend on preexisting shared NATIVE_PREBUILT_LIBRARIES. These are packaged during the rule android.Package TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS [ : OPTIONS ] ] process.

TARGETThe target to package the NATIVE_PREBUILT_LIBRARIES into. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
NATIVE_PREBUILT_LIBRARIESThe list of native prebuilt shared libraries to apply. These libraries are shared libraries existing somewhere in the filesystem and are specified without an extension and without the leading 'lib' prefix. For shared libraries generated from the rule C.Library TARGET : SOURCES [ : OPTIONS ] rule, use the rule android.NativeLibraries TARGET : NATIVE_LIBRARIES rule.
# Packages libmain.so into the MyGame.apk.
android.NativePrebuiltLibraries MyGame : main ;
android.Package ;

rule android.NativePrebuiltLibraryDirectories TARGET : DIRECTORIES

For the given TARGET, search DIRECTORIES for any libraries requested via rule android.NativeLibraries TARGET : NATIVE_LIBRARIES. This rule must be called before rule android.Package TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS [ : OPTIONS ] ].

Native libraries are searched for the following order:

  • Whatever SEARCH directories the user added.
  • The directories given through DIRECTORIES with an architecture appended. Current architectures are arm, armeabi-v7a, and x86.

TARGETThe target to assign the native prebuilt library search DIRECTORIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified. If TARGET is *, the defines are made available globally.
DIRECTORIESThe list of directories to apply. Absolute paths are used directly. Relative paths are local to $(SUBDIR). That is, they are relative to the subdirectory specified via SubDir.
# Search for libmain.so in the current directory and in c:/some/directory/[architecture].
android.NativePrebuiltLibraryDirectories MyGame : c:/some/directory ;
android.NativePrebuiltLibraries MyGame : main ;
android.Package ;

rule android.Package TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS [ : OPTIONS ] ]

In order to output a final .apk to be installed on an Android device, the android.Package rule must be called. If TOOLCHAINS is specified, those requested toolchain components are packaged into the .apk. The passed in OPTIONS include additional build instructions such as automatic installation on a USB-connected Android device.

android.Package should be the last rule called in a sequence of rule calls describing the build of an Android application.

TARGETThe target to build.
TOOLCHAINS(optional) The list of toolchains used to build multiple architectures for the package. The default toolchain is used if none are specified.
OPTIONSThe list of options applied when building the package.

  • install - Installs the .apk on the USB-connected Android device.

# Build a package for the current target using the active toolchain.
android.Package ;
# Build a package for the target MyGame using the active toolchain.
android.Package MyGame ;
# Build a package for the target MyGame using the active toolchain and install it to the USB-connected Android device.
android.Package MyGame : : install ;

rule android.PackageName TARGET : PACKAGE_NAME

Specify the package name for TARGET, generally in the form of com.module.submodule.

By default, this is read from the AndroidManifest.xml, so only call this if an override is needed.

TARGETThe target to assign the link FLAGS to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
PACKAGE_NAMEThe package name to use.
android.PackageName MyGame : com.mycompany.mygame ;

rule android.PackageOutputPath TARGET : PACKAGE_OUTPUT_PATH

Assigns the location to output the final .apk to. This rule must be called prior to android.Package.

TARGETThe target to build.
PACKAGE_OUTPUT_PATHThe directory to output the final .apk to. If a relative path is provided, that path is rooted against $(SUBDIR).
android.PackageOutputPath MyGame : package ;
android.Package ;

rule android.PrebuiltAars TARGET : LIBRARIES

List out .aar files that android.Library or android.Application need to link against. Makes TARGET depend on these preexisting .aar files.

By default, .aar files are searched for in $(SUBDIR)/libs.

TARGETThe target to link the LIBRARIES into. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
LIBRARIESThe list of preexisting .aar files to use as part of the build, specified without the .aar extension.
android.PrebuiltAars :

rule android.PrebuiltJars TARGET : LIBRARIES

List out the .jar files that android.Library or android.Application need to link against. Makes TARGET depend on these preexisting .jar files.

The LIBRARIES specified are, by default, searched for in $(SUBDIR).

TARGETThe target to link the LIBRARIES into. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
LIBRARIESThe list of preexisting .jar files to use as part of the build, specified without the .jar extension.
android.PrebuiltJars :

rule android.ProductVersion TARGET : VERSION_NAME : VERSION_CODE

Sets the android.versionName and android.versionCode properties in a build.gradle file.

VERSION_NAMEThe version name to be put into the AndroidManifest.xml's android:versionName.
VERSION_CODEThe version code to be put into the AndroidManifest.xml's android:versionCode.
android.ProductVersion THE_TARGET : 1.0 : 5 ;

rule android.Resources TARGET : DIRECTORIES

Sets DIRECTORIES as the locations to search for Android resources at when TARGET is built.

TARGETThe target to which the resource search DIRECTORIES should be applied. If not specified, TARGET defaults to the active target set via ActiveTarget.
DIRECTORIESThe list of directories to search for resources. Relative directories are rooted against $(SUBDIR).
android.Resources :


Sets the Android SDK_VERSION and ARCHITECTURE for the toolchain. Call this before any other android.* rules.

android.SDK attempts detection number of Android-specific tools and SDKs:

  • If the variable NDKROOT is not specified, the location of the Android NDK is searched for in an OS-dependent fashion.
    • On Windows, c:/Program Files (x86)/Android and then c:/ is searched for a directory named android-ndk and a couple versioned derivatives.
  • Afterward, C.ARCHITECTURE is evaluated, and various compilation and linker flags are setup for use with the NDK.
  • Next, C.COMPILER is evaluated, and an NDK compiler toolchain is selected based on whether C.COMPILER is set to gcc or clang.
  • The Android SDK is detected next. If ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is set to a path, that path is assumed to be the root of the Android SDK toolchain. Otherwise, an OS-dependent default is chosen:
    • On Windows, c:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk is assumed to contain a properly installed Android SDK.

SDK_VERSIONDefaults to 19.
ARCHITECTUREDefaults to armv7-a.
android.SDK 19 : armv7-a ;

rule android.SDKCompileVersion TARGET : SDK_COMPILE_VERSION

Sets the Android SDK_COMPILE_VERSION to build against. Corresponds to the android.compileSdkVersion property in a build.gradle file.

SDK_COMPILE_VERSIONDefaults to the version specified by rule android.SDK SDK_VERSION : ARCHITECTURE.
android.SDKCompileVersion THE_TARGET : 30 ;

rule android.SDKMinimumVersion TARGET : SDK_MINIMUM_VERSION

Sets the Android SDK_MINIMUM_VERSION to ensure a build against. Corresponds to the android.minSdkVersion property in a build.gradle file.

SDK_MINIMUM_VERSIONDefaults to the version specified by rule android.SDK SDK_VERSION : ARCHITECTURE.
android.SDKMinimumVersion THE_TARGET : 24 ;


Sets up the keystore information for the Android package. android.Sign must be called before android.Package.

TARGETThe target to sign. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYSTORE_PATH_PASSWORD_KEYThis parameter contains 4 entries, the path to the keystore, the password of the keystore, the key to use when accessing the keystore, and the password.
android.Sign : $(SUBDIR)/my-keystore.keystore keystorepassword keyalias keypassword ;

rule android.SourcePaths TARGET : DIRECTORIES

Specify the source path for the Java files being built by TARGET. android.SourcePaths must be called before android.Application or android.Library.

TARGETThe target to assign the Java search path DIRECTORIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
DIRECTORIESThe list of directories to scan to find .java files. A given directory may either be absolute or relative. If relative, it is assumed to be based off of $(SUBDIR).
# Find com/mycompany/mylibrary/file.java at $(SUBDIR)/org/com/mycompany/mylibrary/file.java.
android.SourcePaths MyGame : org ;

rule android.UncompressedAssetExtensions TARGET : UNCOMPRESSED_ASSET_EXTENSIONS

Specify extensions to leave uncompressed when building the .apk. This must be called before android.Package.

TARGETThe target to leave the uncompressed file entries within. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
UNCOMPRESSED_ASSET_EXTENSIONSThe list of extensions to leave uncompressed. Do not include a period in front of the extension.
# Leave .zip and .dat files uncompressed.
android.UncompressedAssetExtensions MyGame : zip dat ;