JamPlus manual
iOS Rules

The iOS module contains special build rules to create a C/C++/Objective C/Objective C++ iOS application from start to finish.

The ios module will automatically detect the appropriate compilers and set up some architecture-specific items.

Next, some combination of the following rule calls (and any others described below) are needed to build a full iOS .ipa for installation and distribution.

C.ActiveTarget sdltest ;
ios.BundleInfo : displayname : sdltest ;
ios.BundleInfo : bundleversion : 1.0 ;
ios.BundleInfo : uistatusbarhidden : true ;
C.Inherits : sdl2 ;
C.Application : sdltest.c ;
ios.ProvisionFile : test.mobileprovision ;
ios.CodeSign : "iPhone Developer" : "ios_development.cer:AppleIncRootCertificate.cer:AppleWWDRCA.cer:my_key.key:" ;
ios.Bundle ;
local bundlePath = [ ios.GetBundlePath ] ;
ios.Archive : $(bundlePath)/../package : : install webserver ;

An iOS build is initiated with a C.TOOLCHAIN of ios/CONFIG. This will build the application bundle, but it will not build the .ipa.

>jam C.TOOLCHAIN=ios/release

To bundle up an .ipa, build the archive:TARGET target.

>jam C.TOOLCHAIN=ios/release archive:TARGET

To install the .ipa, build the install:TARGET target. Be sure to have the ideviceinstaller.exe binaries in bin/PLATFORM/libimobiledevice/.

>jam C.TOOLCHAIN=ios/release install:TARGET

List of Rules


rule C.ios.FrameworkDirectories TARGET : DIRECTORIES

For the given project TARGET, assign the framework search DIRECTORIES to the current toolchain.

TARGETThe target to assign the link DIRECTORIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified. If TARGET is *, the framework search directories are made available globally.
DIRECTORIESThe list of framework search directories to apply. Absolute paths are used directly. Relative paths are local to . That is, they are relative to the subdirectory specified via SubDir.
C.ios.FrameworkDirectories MyGame : $(SUBDIR)/ExtraFrameworks ;

rule C.ios.LinkFrameworks TARGET : FRAMEWORKS

Links TARGET against the FRAMEWORKS specified. No dependencies are set, so changes to the framework will not be relinked.

TARGETThe target to link LIBRARIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
FRAMEWORKSThe list of frameworks to link. The frameworks are specified without an extension.
C.ios.LinkFrameworks MyGame : CoreFoundation ;

rule C.ios.WeakLinkFrameworks TARGET : FRAMEWORKS

Weak links TARGET against the FRAMEWORKS specified. No dependencies are set, so changes to the framework will not be relinked.

TARGETThe target to link LIBRARIES to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
FRAMEWORKSThe list of frameworks to link. The frameworks are specified without an extension.
C.ios.WeakLinkFrameworks MyGame : CoreMotion iAd AVFoundation ;


In order to output a final .ipa to be installed on an iOS device, ios.Archive must be called for the TARGET.

TARGETThe target to convert to an .ipa. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
OUTPUT_PATHThe final resting place of the .ipa.
ITUNES_ARTWORKThe path to a .jpg to be used as the icon within iTunes.
OPTIONSThe list of options applied when building the .ipa.

  • install - Installs the .ipa on the USB-connected iOS device. Requires libimobiledevice installed installed within the jamplus/bin/libimobiledevice directory.
  • run - Installs and runs the application on the USB-connected iOS device. Requires libimobiledevice installed within the jamplus/bin/libimobiledevice directory.

ios.Archive : c:/ios-packages ;

rule ios.AssetCatalog TARGET : ASSET_CATALOG_PATH ;

Takes a provided asset catalog and builds it into its individual components. ios.AssetCatalog currently handles .appiconset, .imageset, and .launchimage directories.

TARGETThe target to build the asset catalog for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ASSET_CATALOG_PATHThe path to the .xcassets directory containing the asset catalog components.
DESTINATION_PATH(optional) The output directory for the generated assets. Defaults to the bundle path.
ios.AssetCatalog : Unity-iPhone/Images.xcassets ;

rule ios.Bundle TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS ]

In order to output an application bundle, the ios.Bundle rule must be called. If TOOLCHAINS is specified, those requested toolchain link targets are run through C.ios.Lipo, and all necessary components are bundled together.

ios.Bundle should be the last rule called in a sequence of rule calls describing the build of an iOS application.

TARGETThe target to build. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
TOOLCHAINS(optional) The list of toolchains used to build multiple architectures for the bundle. The default toolchain is used if none are specified.
# Build a bundle for the current target using the active toolchain.
ios.Bundle ;
# Build a bundle for the target MyGame using the active toolchain.
ios.Bundle MyGame ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayBegin TARGET : KEY

For the given bundle TARGET, begin an array entry within the Info.plist. Call rule ios.BundleInfoArrayEnd TARGET to complete the array entry.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key name of the array entry within the Info.plist.
ios.BundleInfoArrayBegin : UISupportedInterfaceOrientations ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayEnd ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayBoolean TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as an array of booleans to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe boolean array value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoArrayBoolean : MyBooleanArray : false true true false ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayDictBegin TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, begin a array dict entry within the Info.plist. Call rule C.ios.BundleInfoArrayDictEnd TARGET to complete the dict entry.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ios.BundleInfoArrayDictBegin ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion : 7.0 ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageName : LaunchImage-700 ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageOrientation : Portrait ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageSize : "{320, 480}" ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayDictEnd ;

rule C.ios.BundleInfoArrayDictEnd TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, end the current array entry begun with rule ios.BundleInfoArrayDictBegin TARGET within the Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ios.BundleInfoArrayDictBegin ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion : 7.0 ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageName : LaunchImage-700 ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageOrientation : Portrait ;
ios.BundleInfoString : UILaunchImageSize : "{320, 480}" ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayDictEnd ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayEnd TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, end the current array entry begun with rule ios.BundleInfoArrayBegin TARGET : KEY within the Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ios.BundleInfoArrayBegin : UISupportedInterfaceOrientations ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ;
ios.BundleInfoArrayEnd ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayInteger TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as an array of integers to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe integer array value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoArrayInteger : MyIntegerArray : 0 1 2 3 4 5 ;

rule ios.BundleInfoArrayString TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as an array of strings to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe string array value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoArrayString : UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities : armv7 armv8 ;

rule ios.BundleInfoBoolean TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as a boolean type to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoBoolean : LSRequiresIPhoneOS : true ;

rule ios.BundleInfoDictBegin TARGET : KEY

For the given bundle TARGET, begin a dict entry within the Info.plist. Call rule ios.BundleInfoDictEnd TARGET to complete the dict entry.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key name of the dict entry within the Info.plist.
ios.BundleInfoDictBegin : NSAppTransportSecurity ;
ios.BundleInfoBoolean : NSAllowsArbitraryLoads : true ;
ios.BundleInfoDictEnd ;

rule ios.BundleInfoDictEnd TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, end the current dict entry begun with rule ios.BundleInfoDictBegin TARGET : KEY within the Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ios.BundleInfoDictBegin : NSAppTransportSecurity ;
ios.BundleInfoBoolean : NSAllowsArbitraryLoads : true ;
ios.BundleInfoDictEnd ;

rule ios.BundleInfoInteger TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as an integer type to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoInteger : Unity_LoadingActivityIndicatorStyle : -1 ;

rule ios.BundleInfoString TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as string type to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.
ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleName : simple ;

rule ios.BundleInfo TARGET : KEY : VALUE : NO_OVERRIDE

For the given bundle TARGET, assign KEY=VALUE as an array of strings to the bundle's Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
KEYThe key portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
VALUEThe value portion of the key/value pair to set within the Info.plist.
NO_OVERRIDEPass 1 or true to not affect an already existing entry.

  • info - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleGetInfoString : ;
  • iconfile - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleIconFile : ;
  • iconfiles - Runs: ios.BundleInfoArrayString : CFBundleIconFiles : ;
  • longversion - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleLongVersionString : ;
  • bundlename - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleName : ;
  • displayname - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleDisplayName : ;
  • executable - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleExecutable : ;
  • identifier - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleIdentifier : ;
  • shortversion - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFShortVersionString : ;
  • bundleversion - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : CFBundleVersion : ;
  • copyright - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : NSHumanReadableCopyright : ;
  • mainnibfile - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : NSMainNibFile : ;
  • supportedplatforms - Runs: ios.BundleInfoArrayString : CFBundleSupportedPlatforms : ;
  • minimumosversion - Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : MinimumOSVersion : ;
  • uidevicefamily - VALUE may be ipad or iphone. Runs: ios.BundleInfoArrayInteger : UIDeviceFamily : ;
  • uiprerenderedicon - Runs: ios.BundleInfoBoolean : UIPrerenderedIcon : ;
  • uistatusbarhidden - Runs: ios.BundleInfoBoolean : UIStatusBarHidden : ;
  • uiviewcontrollerbasedstatusbarappearance - Runs: ios.BundleInfoBoolean : UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance : ;
  • uiinterfaceorientation - VALUE may be portrait, portraitupsidedown, landscapeleft, landscaperight. Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : UIInterfaceOrientation : ;
  • uisupportedinterfaceorientations - VALUE may be portrait, portraitupsidedown, landscapeleft, landscaperight. Runs: ios.BundleInfoString : UISupportedInterfaceOrientations : ;

ios.BundleInfo : displayname : simple ;
ios.BundleInfo : bundlename : simple ;
ios.BundleInfo : bundleversion : 1.0 ;
ios.BundleInfo : uistatusbarhidden : true ;

rule ios.BundlePath TARGET : BUNDLE_PATH

For the given bundle TARGET, set the output location for the bundle via BUNDLE_PATH.

TARGETThe target to set the bundle path against. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
BUNDLE_PATHThe output path for the bundle. If the path is absolute, it is used as is. If it is relative, the path will be rooted against $(SUBDIR).
# Output the bundle to $(SUBDIR)/package.
ios.BundlePath : package ;


For TARGET, use the provided SIGNING_IDENTITY and CERTIFICATE_CHAIN to sign the application bundle.

TARGETThe target to code sign. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SIGNING_IDENTITYThe name on the certificate.
CERTIFICATE_CHAINThis is only used with the iOS Build Environment for Windows. Generally, it is best to just use: "ios_development.cer:AppleIncRootCertificate.cer:AppleWWDRCA.cer:my_key.key:"
# This works on Mac and Windows.
ios.CodeSign : "iPhone Developer" : "ios_development.cer:AppleIncRootCertificate.cer:AppleWWDRCA.cer:my_key.key:" ;

rule ios.GetBundlePath TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, return the output location for the bundle.

TARGETThe target to retrieve the bundle path for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
Returns the path the bundle will be output to.
Echo Bundle path - [ ios.GetBundlePath ] ;

rule ios.GetBundleTarget TARGET

For the given bundle TARGET, return the actual dependency graph target name of the bundle.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
Returns the dependency graph target name representing the bundle's build.
Echo Bundle target - [ ios.GetBundleTarget ] ;

rule ios.InfoPListFile TARGET : SOURCE

For the given bundle TARGET, use the Info.plist file found at SOURCE. Run it through the rule C.ConfigureFile TARGET : DESTINATION : SOURCE : OPTIONS rule to expand any variables. Use the result in the TARGET bundle.

TARGETThe bundle target to configure the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SOURCEThe source Info.plist file.
local PRODUCT_NAME = "MyProductName" ;
ios.InfoPListFile : DefaultInfo.plist ;


For the given TARGET, take the LINK_TARGETS, run lipo, and output the end result at OUTPUT_PATH.

This rule does not need to be called if using rule ios.Bundle TARGET [ : TOOLCHAINS ].

TARGETThe target to perform the Lipo operation on. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
LINK_TARGETSA list of link targets returned from rule C.Application TARGET : SOURCES [ : OPTIONS ], rule C.Library TARGET : SOURCES [ : OPTIONS ], or rule C.GetLinkTargets TARGET : TOOLCHAIN_SPEC.
OUTPUT_PATHThe output location for the Lipo'ed target.
local linkTargets ;
local toolchain ;
for toolchain in $(TOOLCHAINS) {
linkTargets += [ C.GetLinkTargets $(TARGET) : $(toolchain) ] ;
C.ios.Lipo $(TARGET) : $(linkTargets) : $(bundlePath) ;

rule ios.MergeInfoPList TARGET : SOURCE

For the given bundle TARGET, merge the Info.plist-style file found at SOURCE into the main Info.plist.

TARGETThe bundle target to affect the Info.plist for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SOURCEThe source file to merge into the current generated Info.plist.
# Merge in DefaultInfo.plist the disk first and then assign some overrides.
ios.MergeInfoPList : DefaultInfo.plist ;
ios.BundleInfo : displayname : simple ;
ios.BundleInfo : bundlename : simple ;
ios.BundleInfo : bundleversion : 1.0 ;
ios.BundleInfo : uistatusbarhidden : true ;

rule ios.MinimumOSVersion TARGET : SDK_VERSION_MIN

Sets the minimum iOS version for the TARGET.

TARGETThe target to assign a minimum OS version to. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
SDK_VERSION_MINThe minimum OS version allowable in the format major.minor.
ios.MinimumOSVersion MyGame : 7.0 ;

rule ios.ProvisionFile TARGET : FILENAME

For TARGET, uses the specified .mobileprovision file at FILENAME as the bundle's embedded.mobileprovision.

TARGETThe target to use the .mobileprovision file for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
FILENAMEThe filename of the .mobileprovision file. If the filename is a relative path, it becomes rooted against $(SUBDIR).
ios.ProvisionFile : test.mobileprovision ;

rule ios.Provision TARGET : PROFILE_ID

For TARGET, uses the specified PROFILE_ID to look up a matching .mobileprovision file from $(HOME)/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles on the Mac. This rule does not work on Windows.

In general, store your application's .mobileprovision file with the application and use rule ios.ProvisionFile TARGET : FILENAME instead.

TARGETThe target to assign the found .mobileprovision file. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
PROFILE_IDThe profile name.
# No example at this time.


Sets the iOS SDK_VERSION for the toolchain. Call this before any other ios.* rules.

SDK_VERSIONDefaults to 9.3.
ios.SDK 9.3 ;


Compiles a directory of storyboards.

TARGETThe target to build the storyboards for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
LANGUAGE_DIRECTORYThe path to the (generally) Base.lproj directory containing the .storyboard files.
STORYBOARD_FILES(optional) The names of the launch image storyboard and the main storyboard, generally LaunchImage and Main. Automatically adds them to the Info.plist.
ios.Storyboards : $(SUBDIR)/Base.lproj : LaunchImage Main ;

rule ios.WebServer TARGET

After ios.Archive, launch a secure webserver for TARGET to install the .ipa onto the device.

TARGETThe target to launch a webserver for. TARGET is optional if rule ActiveTarget TARGET has been specified.
ios.WebServer ;